Move on and do not be afraid

Having spent the last three weeks with Deloitte, I am getting closer to becoming the to-go guy for UNR for my office. Whether I get such a privileged role or not, here is my first advice as a professional to my fellow colleagues at UNR who may be at a crossroad: do not be afraid to leave.

Personally, leaving Reno has been arguably as difficult as it was leaving Korea at the age of ten. Both times, I left behind those whom I love dearly. Goodbyes are just as heartbreaking at the age of twenty-seven as it was at the age of ten. While some may say that I value my career more than my personal life–having chosen a Big4 company–nothing can be further from the truth. I love my family and friends more than anything my career can provide me.

But I urge my accounting friends still at UNR to not be afraid. I assure you that you will grow not just professionally but also personally. If you have an opportunity to leave Reno, do so without hesitation–Reno will still be there when you return matured. Don’t be the fool to settle for mediocracy when you can become much, much more. Always push yourself academically, professionally, and personally to be the best you can be. If I am lucky enough, I will see you all in October. Until then, with kind regards,


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